
25 July 2023

The Big Give

We are participating in The Big Give this year to raise funds to support the survival of our youth clubs.

Our goal is to raise £5,000 during the week-long event. We need your match funding pledges to get started!

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20 June 2023

Innovative Sustainability at Christopher House

Residents of Christopher House in Yeovil have been getting extra creative with their sustainability.

We love to encourage thinking outside of the box, and these projects certainly demonstrate creative concepts! Residents have been upcycling a range of materials, from energy drink cans to…toilets! And making some pretty cool, unique stuff with them too! One... Read more

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9 June 2023

Roots Allotments + YMCA Bath

At YMCA Brunel Group we believe it is important for everyone to have access to a bright future.

We strive to create environments where members of the community, from any background, can learn, grow, and connect with others.  And speaking of connections… Roots Allotments aim to inspire and empower as many people as possible to embrace the joy... Read more

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22 May 2023

Small Talks at Christopher House – Mental Health Awareness Week

Christopher House staff and residents participated in the National YMCA Small Talks campaign for Mental Health Awareness Week: Small Talks Make a Big Difference.

Here is what Julie Martin, Accommodation and Support Manager, said about the event: “The event was well attended, and we have to say the quotes on the tea, along with the cards, were perfect ice-breakers for everyone to get involved.... Read more

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15 May 2023

Staff Highlight, Jane Copestake

Jane, Senior Accommodation and Support Worker, Under 18's

How long have you worked for YMCA Brunel Group? I started work for the YMCA in October 2022, which seems like yesterday to me, however, the YMCA also seems like home. I took a brief break within that time, but... Read more

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Jane Copestake Staff Highlight Portrait

9 May 2023

Trowbridge Community Champions

As ever, our staff go above and beyond to contribute to their local communities and change the lives of young people and families.

Kaylea Wink (Little Shoots Nursery Manager) and Kady Hanney (Green Shoots Nursery Manager) have been recognized by their community in Trowbridge and awarded the Community Champion award! “We were delighted to be presented the Community Champion Award for both our Trowbridge nurseries by the... Read more

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YMCA Brunel Group staff are awarded Community Champions award

8 May 2023

Coronation Celebrations in the Nurseries

Over the weekend, the Coronation was celebrated across our nurseries.

Our nursery staff went above and beyond in each setting to celebrate the Coronation, thoughtfully planning activities that suited the children. Everyone had a great time, with lots of cake! At Little Shoots, the staff created a fantastic environment and... Read more

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Nursery staff and children celebrate the Coronation together

14 April 2023

YMCA Bath Gym at Bath Life Awards 2023

Our amazing YMCA Bath Gym was proud to be nominated for a Bath Life Award this year, under the health and wellbeing category.

The event took place on the 23rd of March at the Pavilion and was attended by YMCA Bath Gym Manager Simon and Marketing Manager Sarah. They shared a table with Minuteman Press, Bath & West Community Energy, Young Carers Development... Read more

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YMCA Health and wellbeing centre goes to bath life awards

14 April 2023

Nellie the Cat

The power of animals is incredible – we’ve recently been reminded of this in our supported housing project in Wells.

Neighbouring cat Nellie knows exactly where she is needed! Here are a few words from Senior Accommodation and Support Worker, Hannah Burgess: For the past few months staff and residents at Spencer House have been very lucky to be adopted... Read more

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Nellie the cat visits supported housing project