Small Talks at Christopher House – Mental Health Awareness Week

Christopher House staff and residents participated in the National YMCA Small Talks campaign for Mental Health Awareness Week: Small Talks Make a Big Difference.

Here is what Julie Martin, Accommodation and Support Manager, said about the event:

“The event was well attended, and we have to say the quotes on the tea, along with the cards, were perfect ice-breakers for everyone to get involved. Some serious conversations were had, along with some fun ones. We will continue to use the tools provided when our young people find it challenging to open up a little.”

Thank you Julie and Christopher House staff for getting involved with this event! This year, the official theme was Anxiety. A lot of us our familiar with the feeling. Remember to always have compassion for those around you – you never know what people are truly going through, and what might trigger their anxiety. Anxiety can hold us back and keep us from accomplishing daily tasks that others may take for granted.

The YMCA Small Talks Campaign highlights the importance of building connections through small talks. The campaign provides a platform for open discussion on mental health and helps to break down barriers, and nurtures a more understanding society.

Sometimes, just having someone to chat to about little things like the weather, an exciting hobby, or a favourite film is enough to encourage connections and make someone feel heard.

It is vital to create supportive environments for individuals struggling with mental health.