Safety & Security

YMCA Brunel Group aims to create and maintain a safe and secure environment for all staff, trustees, volunteers, residents and visitors to our facilities.

In particular we are fully committed to safeguarding all children, young people and vulnerable adults that come into contact with our work.

We believe that all children, young people and vulnerable adults have an absolute right to protection from abuse, regardless of their age, race, religion, ability, gender, language, background or sexual identity and consider their welfare as paramount.

We will:

– Take every reasonable step to ensure that children, young people and vulnerable adults are protected where our staff, trustees, volunteers and all associates are involved in the delivery of our work.
– Enable all our staff and those who work with us to make informed and confident risk-based decisions regarding safeguarding.
– Respond appropriately to any allegation, report or suspicion of abuse.
– Ensure that all our properties are regularly inspected for their physical safety and security.