Staff Highlight – Lucy, Youth Worker

How long have you worked for YMCA Brunel Group?

I volunteered for the YMCA on and off between jobs since 2007. I volunteered in routes became cafe manager I then joined to do relief shifts for routes, Frome foyer and the youth club, taking triages answering food giving out food bank and eventually became a permanent member of staff on the 18/9/2019.

What attracted you to the role/how did you become involved with the YMCA?

I moved into the foyer at 16 back in 2007 after becoming homeless. The YMCA has made me the person I am today. Having no idea what it was like living independently was hard at times learning to use washing machines, budgeting etc. I’ve always wanted to give back the help and support I received I love helping people and find it so rewarding.

What does a normal day at work look like for you?

In my work I make crafts, teach young people how to cook and make certain foods. We do sports, issued based topics and listen to young people’s struggles and day to day challenges. We can refer young people on to other agencies if need be.

Work can be hard – what do you do to unwind?

To unwind I love listening to music and spend time walking my dog Grace and being with my 3 children.

Why do you do what you do?

I do what I do because I love being able to support young people, engage with them and occasionally, having been in the same boat as many, I can give advice, have empathy and understand what makes them the way they are today.

What is the most important piece of advice you’ve ever received? 

The most important piece of advice I’ve ever received is never forget how hard you worked to get where you are today!