Thrive 16 +

Our Thrive 16+ service offers housing related support and accommodation for children in care and care leavers.

We also support young people who have no involvement with children’s social care but are homeless, eligible and reason to believe in priority need under homelessness legislation.

As a YMCA, we are part of the largest provider of safe, supported accommodation for young people in England and Wales.

Our Thrive 16+ service is commissioned by Somerset Council and aimed at homelessness prevention for young people aged 16-25. Read more about Thrive 16+ from Somerset Council here.

If you are currently homeless, or threatened with homelessness, you can access support by visiting the Somerset Council website.

PlusEmergency accommodation

if you are in a housing crisis and need accommodation at very short notice.


to help to rebuild connections with family where that is appropriate.

PlusA range of supported accommodation

in various locations across East & South Somerset. Some are more ‘foyer’ style while others are communal houses. All are houses are staffed by professional Support Workers.


in finding permanent housing, maintaining accommodation, helping with benefit claims, setting up utilities, managing money and more.

PlusTenant Accreditation Scheme

to help give young people the knowledge and skills they will need in order to live independently.

PlusPartnership working

close working relationships with colleagues in Children’s Social Care and other agencies (including services that can provide support with mental health, training and education, drug and alcohol misuse and so on).

“I moved to the YMCA when I was kicked out of home and facing homelessness. The staff helped my deal with my family troubles and learn how to handle my mental health problems. Now I am in my own flat and my relationship with my parents is stable. YMCA has been my lifeline. It’s just so nice to get back to reality and be part of society again”

– Oliver, YMCA Resident


For further information, please contact our Head of Supported Housing Somerset, Mandy Bulman.
