YMCA Brunel Group Staff Spread Festive Cheer and Generosity at Bath Christmas Market, Raising £231 for Charity

Christmas is in full swing here in Bath! The Marketing & Fundraising team organised a charity stall at the Bath Christmas Market this year.

Our Fundraising and Events Manager, Emma, led the way and created a truly magical day. Staff from various departments spent the day spreading festive cheer, raising awareness of our work, and receiving donations from kind market visitors. Altogether, the team raised £231 to go towards our charitable work!

The Bath Christmas Market, renowned for its enchanting atmosphere and a abundance of handcrafted goods, provided the perfect backdrop for YMCA Brunel Group to engage with the community, showcase our dedication to connecting with people and making a positive impact, and raise funds for our ongoing projects.

Dressed in festive attire and bursting with holiday spirit, YMCA Brunel Group staff members manned the charity stall, offering a delightful array of handcrafted goods and heart-warming smiles to passers-by.

“The YMCA saved me. I love it, and I love being a part of the charity and helping to give back where I can. It’s my happy place and I want to help spread awareness to the community about the amazing work we do here!” We had help from James and Annie in Health & Wellbeing, as well as Sarah, Maggie, Emma and Sam from Bath Housing. Everyone brought their own special charm to the stall and it was great to spend the day working across departments and learning about each other’s work.

The highlight of the stall was a carefully curated selection of handmade crafts that reflected the spirit of the season. Ladies from a Frome-based care home carefully knitted dozens of hats, scarves, and gloves for us to have on the stall. We gave out wooden YMCA snowflake ornaments to those passing by. Visitors had the chance to purchase one-of-a-kind items, knowing that their contributions would directly support the YMCA Brunel Group’s charitable endeavours. Some people even donated money towards gloves to give out to local homeless people.

As shoppers browsed the stall, conversations sparked about the impactful work undertaken by the YMCA Brunel Group, ranging from youth development programs to community outreach initiatives. We heard some wonderful stories from visitors about their own good work – it is amazing what people do for others during the holiday season!

We were overwhelmed by the positive response from the community. It was inspiring to witness how a collective effort, fuelled by the holiday spirit, could result in such a meaningful contribution.

By the end of the day, the charity stall had not only achieved its goal of spreading joy but had also raised an impressive £231 in support of the YMCA Brunel Group’s mission. The funds raised will go directly towards empowering individuals and communities, fostering youth development, and creating positive change.

“The success of this charity stall goes beyond the monetary value. It symbolizes the strength of community, the spirit of giving, and the shared commitment to making a difference in the lives of those we serve.” – Trish Fairbeard, Director of Strategy and Communications

The charity stall exemplifies how a small act of kindness during the festive season can ripple into a wave of positive change, embodying the true spirit of community and compassion.