Werkhouse at The Bristol Wing

Wekhouse comes to stay - lounge area of the bristol wing

Whilst we are still in the process of refurbishing the Wing, we were approached by Werkhouse in Bristol to see if we would be happy to take a group of young people in for a weekend whilst on a course with them

The Werkhouse course is specifically for young people who want to move into the creative industries and it gives them an amazing insight into the different areas and what to expect. As part of the weekend they are given a client brief and have 2 days to come up with a finished presentation. It is a fabulous opportunity and looks amazing on a CV.

The course was held at Taxi Studio who designed our Bristol Wing branding – so it was a natural partnership for them to come back to us for accommodation.

Dave and his team (Paul and Mark get an extra special mention) worked flat out to get enough rooms ready and the Wing looked amazing for their visit.

We loved opening the doors again and having people to stay and hope we will be working together again soon.

Thank you @werkhouse and @taxistudio

Breakfast set up for Werkhouse

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