Timsbury Pop-up Café

Pop-up cafe in timsbury with homemade cakes

On Saturday 25th February Jacqui from our YMCA Timsbury site opened the doors of the centre with a pop up café.

Jacqui is renowned locally in Timsbury for her cakes and bakes and they are clearly in high demand as people turned up in huge numbers to pick their favourite slice, scone or try something new.  Many even took cakes home with them.  Jacqui always worries she has baked too many but they always go!  She was supported on the day by a team of local volunteers who served, washed up and cleared away – huge thanks to them and to Jacqui for another hugely successful event.

We are so pleased to see our spaces used to bring together members of the community. Our Timsbury site is available to hire for anything from parties to fitness classes to youth clubs. Jacqui is always great at putting together fun pop-up events to bring people together. If you missed this one, keep an eye out! Her cakes are definitely worth trying – and any profits we make go directly towards our charitable work.

Timsbury isn’t our only space for hire. We have hireable spaces across all of our areas of work. Find out more here: Room Hire – YMCA Brunel Group (ymca-bg.org)