Thank You Paul King

Paul King, gym member raising money for YMCA

Team Bath Athletic Club’s senior endurance running coach Paul King likes to lead by example.

Paul was inspired to raise funds for people impacted by the war in Ukraine. He is a valued member of our gym at the YMCA in Bath and decided to use his endurance to support people in Ukraine.

‘’I set myself the challenge of completing all 27 scheduled fitness classes in a week based at the excellent YMCA Gym in Bath.’’

Paul has been a member of the YMCA Gym in Bath for many years and powered through a variety of activities including Circuits, Body Pump, Boxercise, Spin, Pilates, Power Yoga and more. In addition to the 27 scheduled classes, Paul also competed an extra 5 pop up classes.

‘’All the class instructors were brilliant and certainly encouraged and motivated me during the week particularly when limbs and joints started to complain!’’

With the generosity of many, Paul has managed to raise over £2000 (plus approximately £400 in Gift Aid). The funds raised supported Ukrainian Refugees, through YMCAs and other reliable NGOs in the neighbouring countries. They also provided emergency Relief to YMCA Ukraine and Internally Displaced Persons within the country.

Here’s an example of what YMCA Europe have been doing to help people in Ukraine.

Big thanks to Simon Burgess and Team at the YMCA Bath Gym as well as YMCA Brunel Group for facilitating this fundraising activity.