Making a Difference – Holly’s Story

23 year old Holly came to the YMCA having been sleeping in her car for over two months.

She had no safe place to call home and so we offered her a place to stay at the YMCA hostel. Sarah and Harriet who are part of our housing team in Bath were able to help Holly apply for benefits so that she was able to buy food and begin to address her debts.

Holly met with our counsellor at the YMCA and was able to work through and process some of the previous trauma she had experienced. She was attending college and while living with us she finished and passed her course. We were really pleased when Holly was accepted into University, we helped her access a full bursary from her University as well as support for the duration of her studies. We were also able to ensure she was provided with year round accommodation as she would not have anywhere to return to during holidays. She moved into halls of residence from the YMCA and we have continued to provide support as needed while she is studying at University. We have also supported her to access help with her learning needs at University and she has received assessments and diagnoses that were not provided when she was at college. These diagnoses have opened up additional support and funding for her at University.


“Just wanted to say thank you so much for everything you have done for me. Can’t remember the last time I felt this happy…I cried of happiness today and wouldn’t of been able to do this without you”