James’ Story

Since the death of his mother when he was only 10 years old, James was living in a rented flat with just him and his father.

When James was 19, his father too passed away. At a young age, James was suddenly faced with rent responsibility and learning to live on his own. Struggling with speech and language difficulties and undiagnosed Autistic Spectrum Disorder, James came to YMCA Brunel Group and began using our Daystop for support. When James came to us, he was finishing a college course and planning to move on to university that year, but he was suddenly burdened with numerous responsibilities beyond his control.

We were able to help James to get his finances and life in order after the death of his father. To be left completely alone and faced with organising probate, resolving his fathers will, and frozen bank accounts was quite harrowing for someone in James’ situation. Through our Daystop support, we were able to help him organise his affairs. After liaising with the Council, James was able to take his father’s place on the housing register, meaning he would have a home of his own within the next year to 18 months. On top of this, James was able to gain disabled student status so that he would have ongoing support at the university.

We worked closely with other services in Bath including Bath College, Youth Connect, The Special Educational Team, Housing Support and Bath Spa University student support services, to ensure James got the help he needed.
During this process James applied to live in one of our Platform for Life houses. James will now move into one of our supported houses in September and start his university course at the beginning of October.

We are proud to see how far James has come and look forward to supporting him in his future endeavours.