Health and Wellbeing meets Supported Housing

Each year, the YMCA Bath Gym organise a Christmas Party, where members and staff come together to celebrate with a pub quiz, a raffle, and a great time.

With approximately 100 attendees, the event proved to be an excellent fundraising opportunity for the wider charity. Funds raised from the party totalled just over £900. Determined to make a meaningful impact, the gym team worked with Marketing & Fundraising to decide on the best way to utilise the funds. The decision was made to split the proceeds, allocating a portion towards enhancing the gym facilities in Bath while also supporting one of YMCA BG’s projects.

Street Foyer houses young people aged 18-25 who are at risk of homelessness and need support getting back on track to independent living. Residents in Street Foyer had previously expressed a desire for health and wellbeing equipment. This was a fantastic opportunity to merge two areas of work in an impactful way. Lucy and her staff at the foyer decided to invest in fitness equipment to promote physical and mental well-being among the youth in residence.

In early February, Simon and Neil visited Street Foyer to deliver the equipment and help the staff feel comfortable supporting young people using it. They set up the fitness bench, weights, focus mitts, punch gloves, and punch bag, ensuring everything was in place for immediate use.

The significance of this gesture extends beyond mere provision of equipment. It shows a commitment to supporting the holistic development of young people, fostering habits of wellness and resilience. The enthusiasm displayed by Lucy and her team show just how important this will be to the young people in Street.

The introduction of fitness equipment not only offers a means for physical activity but also provides residents with an outlet for stress relief and personal development. It will hopefully spark further collaboration between Health and Wellbeing and other departments in the charity. By working together across departments, we can support and development of young people in our communities in a more holistic way.

We want to extend a huge thank you to all of our Health & Wellbeing members for your support in our work, and for such a fun Christmas Party!