Grace Harris House Garden Upgrade

With the help of Neighbourly and B&Q in Frome, our staff at Grace Harris House have transformed the garden so that residents can enjoy the space and feel more at home.

A big shout out to Ann, Senior Support Worker, who made this happen!

As Grace Harris House provides short-term support to residents, it has been a struggle to maintain the garden with resident engagement, though enthusiasm was never lacking! Residents have helped with weeding and gardening throughout their time at the house but a big clear out was long overdue!

B&Q staff from Frome and Glastonbury gave their time and support to make this happen. A team of seven staff members came out to help clear, paint walls, pressure wash, and plant! Not only did B&Q supply the volunteers but they also supplied all the materials, plants, compost, tools and anything else that they needed to get the job done. We now have a lovely garden for residents to enjoy – including a vegetable garden and a few lovely seating areas!

Thank you to Ann and the team from B&Q for this wonderful transformation.