Celebrating 180 Years of Impact: YMCA Founder’s Day

Thursday, June 6th marked a momentous occasion for the YMCA as we celebrated Founder’s Day, honoring 180 years of remarkable impact across the globe.

This special day was commemorated with a tea party at our Bath Central Offices, where we invited staff, family and friends to join us in a festive gathering filled with tea, cake, scones, and cucumber sandwiches.

The event was a resounding success, with a fantastic turnout that exceeded our expectations. The atmosphere was filled with warmth and camaraderie as colleagues from various departments, some meeting for the first time, took the opportunity to connect, share stories, and enjoy each other’s company. It was a heart-warming sight to witness the unity and spirit that define the YMCA.

One of the celebration’s highlights was the Victoria Sponge cake, which was a favourite among the attendees. Not a single crumb was left! The Sponge cake, alongside the equally amazing carrot cake, was made by the local Honey Cafe in St. Swithin’s Church.

Beyond the delightful refreshments, the true essence of the day lay in the connections made and the conversations shared. Staff members, often busy with their respective duties, had the chance to chat and laugh together, fostering a stronger sense of community within our organization.

The YMCA was founded in 1844 by Sir George Williams. Initially, he wanted to create a space for young men to come together in Bible study and prayer and escape the busy, strenuous life of London. Over the years, the YMCA has evolved into a global movement that remains at the heart of countless communities, shaping lives through innovation, support, and inclusivity.

This year, our 180-day-long campaign aims to highlight the YMCA’s significant role over the years. From the invention of basketball to offering inspiration for the Village People’s famous anthem, the YMCA boasts a rich legacy of making a difference. It continues to provide vital services for young people and communities every day, living up to its mission of empowering individuals and fostering social responsibility. The legacy of service and commitment to the community remains at the heart of everything we do.

Looking forward, we are excited to continue this journey, building on our rich heritage and striving to make an even greater difference in the lives of those we serve. Here’s to many more years of growth, unity, and positive impact. Happy Founder’s Day to the YMCA family!