Bex runs the Bath Half

Fitness professional Bex runs bath half marathon to raise money

A huge congratulations to Bex from Health & Wellbeing. She completed the Bath Half in October in order to raise funds for YMCA Brunel Group, and what a success!

The Bath Half is an annual half marathon that starts and finishes in the Bath city centre. The total distance of the race is 21km, beginning in Queens Square and ending in Victoria Park. The 2022 Bath Half took place on the 16th of October and was the 40th anniversary of the event.

With support of YMCA gym members and staff, Bex worked hard to train and prepare for the half marathon. Her efforts truly paid off – not only did she complete the race (a huge accomplishment itself!) but she raised £670 for YMCA Brunel Group.

These donations help support the many areas of our work, such as: providing young people in our supported housing schemes with additional support (e.g. counselling, cookery lessons, financial planning, daytrips and events); helping to keep our youth clubs running – funding cuts have resulted in limited support for young people aged 10-19 years; helping us to give general support to young people at a time of crisis; supporting our nurseries and children’s work to buy new or specialist equipment; providing those in need with access or membership and 1-2-1 support in our health and wellbeing centre, benefitting them mentally and emotionally as well as physically.

Thank you to everyone who supported Bex along to way and donated to our charitable cause!

Way to go Bex, sit back and rest your feet for a bit now!