Bath Nightstop Daystop 2023 Impact Report

We’ve recently released the 2023 Impact Report for our Bath Nightstop and Daystop services.

Nightstop provides emergency, temporary accommodation for young people in the homes of local volunteer hosts. The service works directly with young people aged 18-25 who are at risk of becoming homeless. Our Daystop room offers a safe place for young people, aged 16-25, to go during the day to receive help, support and advice.

In 2023, Nightstop supported 35 young people, while Daystop supported 94. Below are some key takeaways from our impact report, which you can read in its entirety here.


The combined efforts of Daystop support and Nightstop accommodation has seen a successful move-on to permanent accommodation for 31 young people.

Numerous positive outcomes were reported by counsellors working with our young people, including:

  • change from alcohol and drug use to more healthy coping strategies
  • more self-awareness i.e. recognising triggers from previous history and ways to cope
  • more self-care i.e. diet, exercise, mental health
  • processing of grief and trauma
  • more able to live independently
  • more understanding of relationships
  • change in ways of looking at their lives and the external world.

“Nightstop is amazing. So welcoming. I stayed with a host family for 2 weeks and they trusted me to the extent that their children were around. They never judged me and Sarah really helped me. It was the stepping stone that I needed.”

Equality & Diversity

At YMCA Brunel Group, we are deeply committed to fostering an environment of equality and diversity across all our services and as an employer. We are dedicated to ensuring that our programs and initiatives are accessible to all, and that they reflect the diverse needs and experiences of the communities we serve.

Our 2023 Impact Report looks at the diversity of young people we worked with in our Nightstop and Daystop services:

  • 7% of young people we worked with identified as trans, with 41% identifying as female and 52% male
  • 12% of young people identified as LGBTQ+
  • 24% of young people were from a non-white British background

We understand that promoting equality and diversity is an ongoing journey, and we are committed to continuously learning and evolving to better serve our community.


Without host families, Nightstop would not be able to operate successfully. These families are recruited from within our local community of Bath. They open their homes to young people in need of emergency accommodation and provide a safe bed, a warm meal and someone to chat to.

“Being a Nightstop host has broadened my perspective. You never know what is behind homelessness. Some young people do not need a lot, but others do. Nightstop can enable young people to see something other than their norm.”

Looking Foward

The Nightstop Daystop team collected feedback from supporters, service users and counsellors to learn how they could better improve the service in 2024. This valuable feedback has helped the team establish plans for growth and improvement in the hopes that more young people at risk can benefit from the support offered.

Plans for 2024:

  • Work with partner organisations to widen reach and increase usage of the Daystop space.
  • Add an additional emergency bed at YMCA Bath as a crash pad.
  • Expand Outreach service with more Drop-In sessions throughout the community.

And much more!

Read the full report

If you are interested to learn more about the impact of our Nightstop Daystop services, read the full report for a more in-depth look. Or stop by our hostel in Bath to grab yourself a copy!


Additional Resources

Interested in becoming a host? We would love to hear from you. Visit our Nightstop page to find out how to get in touch.