A story of growth and resilience at YMCA Bath Hostel

M’s journey to the YMCA Bath is a tale of resilience and renewal. After his flat was sold by the landlord, M found himself suddenly without a home.

He spent some difficult nights sleeping rough and in a shed, an experience that left him feeling vulnerable and uncertain about his future. Thankfully, 4 months ago M was referred to us by the council. He has settled in well as the team works to find him permanent accommodation.

Since his arrival, M has poured his heart and soul into the garden at the front of the YMCA. Every day, rain or shine, M can be found tending to the plants, ensuring they are watered and well cared for. His dedication has transformed the garden into a vibrant, welcoming space for all residents and visitors to enjoy.

M’s connection to the garden is more than just a pastime; it’s a symbol of hope and stability in his life. The care he invests in the plants reflects his desire to rebuild and nurture his own life. The garden has become his sanctuary, a place where he can find peace and purpose amid the uncertainty.

Working closely with Housing Option, the YMCA is committed to helping M find a permanent home. Their goal is to secure a garden flat near his daughter and granddaughter, allowing him to stay close to family while continuing his passion for gardening. As a leaving gift, Akos, a Duty Manager at YMCA Bath Hostel, created a lovely drawing of M in the garden. This thoughtful artwork will be a cherished memento, ready to hang in M’s new flat, symbolizing his journey and the new beginnings ahead.