A Magical Journey: Narnia-Themed Yoga Event Raises £715 for YMCA Brunel Group

Every year, our lovely Trish organises the Narnia retreat, which is a day-long festive yoga event that aims to raise money for our charitable work.

Trish is a yoga instructor at YMCA Bath but she is also the Director of Communication and Strategy for YMCA Brunel Group – she is committed to spreading the word about our charitable work and bringing the community together.

This year’s Narnia retreat was a little different. Trish hosted a Mini-Narnia Yoga Retreat and Festive Rest, which took place on Sunday afternoon. For two hours, our yoga community embarked on a magical journey into the enchanting world of Narnia, with yoga flow, yin, and a guided meditation. Hosted at our studio, the event was not only a celebration of the holiday season but also an effort to give back to the community. Thanks to the generous donation of a winter wonderland-themed vinyl display by Roland, the atmosphere was transformed into a snowy haven. The ‘prep’ team arranged mats, goodie bags, and twinkling candles around the space, setting the stage for a truly unique and unforgettable experience.

This year, we were excited to welcome 30 participants, each eager to immerse themselves in the whimsical atmosphere and contribute to a good cause. The collective energy and spirit of the attendees were palpable as they walked into the space and discovered how we transformed it into a Narnia winter-wonderland.

The primary goal of the event was to raise funds for the YMCA Brunel Group, a local organisation dedicated to providing support and housing for those in need. With the combined efforts of our dedicated yogis, we were thrilled to announce that a grand total of £715 was raised. Despite being a smaller event than previous years, it turned out to be a huge success, raising more money than we have in the past.

The funds raised will play a crucial role in bringing a touch of magic to the YMCA Brunel Group’s supported housing projects this Christmas. From warm winter clothing to festive decorations and Christmas dinners, the money will contribute to creating a joyful and memorable holiday season for those who need it most.

Following the yoga session, participants were treated to a delightful spread of nibbles and prosecco, providing an opportunity for everyone to mingle, share stories, and revel in the success of the fundraising efforts. It was truly inspiring to chat to some of our members and hear their stories of not only why they joined our gym, but why they have chosen to stay. That sense of community is such a strong factor of YMCA Bath gym, and it radiates through our members.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the event and made this happen, we can’t wait to share with you the stories of how the funds raised has helped our residents!