A great year’s work from our Adult Housing Services team

key in door

Did you know….

Our Adult Housing Services team in Mendip and South Somerset, have in the last year ( a challenging year of Covid restrictions and nervous landlords)  achieved the following on three of their schemes:

Move-On Scheme

120 enquiries were registered for Move-On and 33 (including 3 under-25’s) were housed.

  • 13 secured accommodation through Landlords in the Move-On Scheme;
  • 7 moved into Housing Association properties;
  • 8 moved into other Private Rented accommodation;
  • moved into other Supported Housing

We have housed 5 people so far this year (2022) in Move-On accommodation.

Deposit Guarantee Scheme

  • 11 deposits were issued under the Deposit Guarantee Scheme – 2 deposits to under 25’s and 9 to over 25 years old. The deposit value in use is currently £2,147.00.

All clients are encouraged to save money towards rent in advance to demonstrate good budgeting and reassure landlords – One tenant saved £100 which secured his property!

Tenancy Accreditation Scheme (TAS)

  • 75 new clients referred during the year + 18 previous clients = 93 in total.

The Adult Housing Services team, led by Carol work hard to ensure people feel listened to, cared for, supported and where possible housed in appropriate accommodation, in our own housing projects and private rented houses.

Feedback from some of our service users include:

“I do not know what I would have done without support to find accommodation, I was desperate and YMCA were there for me.”

“The scheme has helped me hugely and I am now gold banded and bidding.  The worker helps by making it interesting and treats you like an adult.”

“I was so pleased to have support when I moved into my own place, setting up my bills and getting some furniture was exciting.”

Congratulations to Carol and her team for all the amazing work they do in our Adult Housing Services!