Your Career

Whatever your role is with YMCA Brunel Group, you are playing a key part in creating a strong community where everyone can belong, contribute and thrive. Everyday at the YMCA, you are changing lives and making a real difference to many people.

Our Values:


We recognise that every person is different but equally valuable. We actively include people at every level of our organisation, ensuring that our service users, young people, staff, trustees, volunteers and customers are representative of the communities that we serve. We work hard to enable each person to realise their potential.


Our work is focussed on connecting with people, and responding to them in a caring and compassionate way.


We believe that we are designed to live alongside other people. Our work actively creates opportunities for the people who are part of the YMCA (our young people, service users, staff, volunteers, customers etc) to be part of a community.


We are here to serve the needs of the communities in which we work. We don’t know everything. We listen to, and work alongside others to ensure that together we are making an impact where it is most needed. If we make mistakes – we learn from them and are honest and open about it.

Creativity and Innovation

We aren’t afraid to try a new approach or take a measured risk to increase the impact we make and respond to the challenges in our communities.


We think about the future, working in ways that bring about long-term benefit to our communities and our planet.