Corporate Partnerships

There are lots of different ways that your business can work with YMCA Brunel group and we are keen to explore these with you.

Here are a few examples but we are happy to meet with you and identify something that works best for us all.

We can also work with you on areas such as corporate wellbeing and work with your staff either on site or at our Health & Wellbeing centre in Bath. Examples include running workshops and events around healthy eating, yoga, mindfulness, fitness consultations etc.


Corporate Donations

One off or regular donations not only make a significant difference to us as a charity but are a great way of demonstrating your support for our work with vulnerable young people. Everything you give goes directly to our charitable work as all our central costs are covered through are trading arm, therefore you know that every penny is going to make a difference.

Charity of the Year

A charity of the year partnership is a great way for your staff to participate in something interesting and fun whilst bringing about positive change to the local community. Our Marketing Manager will work closely with you to develop a tailor made programme of volunteering activities and fundraising opportunities which are engaging and motivational for your staff and deliver mutually beneficial outcomes to this partnership.

Fundraise / Support Us

We are happy to work with you on fundraising events to support our work with young people. These can range from local events such as quiz nights or sporting challenges to national events such as running the London Marathon for the YMCA. We can also set up challenges working with our health & wellbeing team either on your site or at the YMCA.These events are great for engaging staff in team work and raising awareness of the work we do.

Payroll Giving

This is a simple tax efficient method for your staff to donate regularly to our charity directly from their salary. We can provide advice on setting up such a scheme and help you promote it to your staff.

Pro-bono Support & Gift in Kind

As a charity we always welcome advice and support in areas such as HR, marketing & design, legal advice etc and if this is something you or your business would like to offer then we would love to hear from you. We also welcome the use of facilities for corporate hospitality events, or the donation of goods for charity shops or use within our work.